Monday, March 29, 2010

One Body at Work

Because so many eyes witness the unthinkable, there must be eyes that see hope. Because so many ears hear the ringing of solitude or the explosion of disaster, there must be mouths to speak words of love. Because there are so many bellies that cry out to be nourished, there must be hands to feed them. Because so many feet walk such long, lonely paths, there must be legs of strength to walk alongside them. Because so many bodies are broken, the Body of Christ, the whole body, with all of its various parts, is at work in the world.
—Laura Evans Mahn, “Compassion and Caring: Giving Concrete Expression to our Unity in Christ

We are one body. What an awkward thing to say! Of course, we’re not one body—we’re myriad bodies, of multiple minds, a swirl of conflicting emotions. How can anyone say we’re one? We feel so disconnected. And yet…

There’s too much suffering in the world for us to pretend we’re not united in Christ. I trust that we are one. Without one body that can see hope, speak love, feed the hungry, walk with the lonely, and heal brokenness and division, the world is lost and the future ridiculously scattered. If God is love, and if we are made in the image of God, then we must be, at some level, one. And we have to work together.

When we try to act otherwise, a conservative arm slaps at a liberal leg, and an orthodox ear refuses to cooperate with an agnostic eye. How crazy our dance must look to outsiders! It’s helpful to remember that old line from Rupertus Meldenius, oft-quoted by our movement’s founders, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”

Jesus reminded us of what’s essential: loving God and neighbor. He was also clear on the fine print. Our neighbor? Once there was a man on the Jericho road who fell among thieves…

Along the Way, I wish you God’s peace on today’s stage of your Lenten spiritual journey. May Christ’s companionship bless you with confidence for the day, comfort you in trouble, and put a spring of joy in your step.

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